Applying for your Sheila Coates Foundation award
Everything you need to know. Tips for a successful application.
At Sheila Coates Foundation we want to fund schools and colleges to support autistic students. We’re keen to get money to those students who need it the most, as fast as we can. So we try to make the whole process as simple and quick as possible.
It’s easy for us to spot a good application, so here are some tips to help you give us the information we need.
1. Take a look at the scoring criteria
Before you do anything else, read how your application will be scored. This is our guide and we will be using this to rate your application. Remember:

2. Use your character count carefully
You have limited characters to describe what you want to do and what difference it will make. We want you to be succinct. So whilst you may want to tell us the history of your school or college.... don’t!
Make sure your application is:

3. Take your time
Every funding round we get schools or colleges who submit an application within an hour of us opening. We appreciate how keen people are, but we also want you to think carefully about what you want to do. Consult with your colleagues, talk to autistic students, look at the evidence base. Read what kind of activities we have previously funded.
4. Activity and Impact are not the same
Questions 1 and 2 are important. One asks you about your idea. The other asks you what you hope to achieve. Make sure that your responses address the questions that are being asked.

5. Give your application some sparkle!
We will rate your application against our criteria, but we are also on the lookout for ideas with a difference! If we see something especially creative or thought-provoking, an unusual idea, something that sparks our interest, then it gets an additional 10% weighting!

Remember, if you have any questions you can check here.
We look forward to hearing your brilliant ideas.
We are open for applications from 17th April. Our funding round closes on 7th May. To apply, follow the link at the bottom of the Rapid impact fund page.